Smarts NPM: What attributes does Smarts NPM use to detect a Passive OSPF interface/state?
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Smarts NPM: What attributes does Smarts NPM use to detect a Passive OSPF interface/state?


Article ID: 303790


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


What attributes does the Smarts Network Protocol Manager (Smarts NPM) use to detect a Passive OSPF interface/state?

There is no information in SNMP to identify a passive OSPF interface. Therefore, the IsPassive attribute needs to be set manually by the user. However, Smarts NPM has the capability to suppress the alarms generated by a passive interface based on heuristic analysis. The conditions when Smarts NPM will assume that the DOWN status of the Adjacency between two OSPF interfaces is caused by a passive interface in the BROADCAST network include the following:

  • One of the routers is DR and this OSPF adjacency has a neighbor state 1 which is DOWN, and the statuses listed below which might indicate routing protocol failure have been ruled out:

    key 1:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::DOWN;
    key 2:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::ATTEMPT;
    key 3:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::INIT;
    key 4:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::TWO_WAY;
    key 5:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::EXCHANGE_START;
    key 6:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::EXCHANGE;
    key 7:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::LOADING;
    key 8:   OSPFNeighborStateEnum::FULL;
  • There is no physical failure such as router down, interface down, and so on.
  • There is no OSPF configuration failure such as HelloOrDeadIntervalMismatch, AuthTypeMismatch, AuthKeyMismatch,  AreaIDMismatch,  AreaTypeMismatch and so on.