Smarts IP: When and how does the ICF_ASLSetting::*::RuleSet script get called?
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Smarts IP: When and how does the ICF_ASLSetting::*::RuleSet script get called?


Article ID: 303782


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


When and how does the  ICF_ASLSetting::*::RuleSet script get called in Smarts IP?

The ICF_ASLSetting::*::RuleSet script runs in the following conditions (see Note statement):
  • When a device is being discovered
  • When a Reconfigure operation is run and the setting for the ICF_ASLSetting::*::RuleSet script is in "Current Settings" section of the Smarts Polling and Thresholds dialog (having been selected from "Available Settings" and moved to "Current Settings")

Additional Information

The RuleSet is a property of the ICF_ASLSetting class as seen in  the following dmctl output:

./dmctl -s <INCHARGE_AM> getProperties ICF_ASLSetting

Properties of class ICF_ASLSetting:
       CreationClassName = <string>
                    Description = <string>
                 DisplayName = <string>
   InstrumentationClass = <string>
                     IsEnabled = <boolean>
                            Name = <string>
                          PartOf = <relationship set>
                        RuleSet = <string>
                ServiceName = <string>
          SettingAppliedBy = <relationship>
             SettingFeature = <string>
                   SettingKey = <string>
                 TargetClass = <string>
                            Type = <string>