Smarts IP: How do I use dmctl to change a Smarts IP PollingInterval setting to a value greater than 3600?
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Smarts IP: How do I use dmctl to change a Smarts IP PollingInterval setting to a value greater than 3600?


Article ID: 303777


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VMware Smart Assurance



How do I use dmctl to change a Smarts IP PollingInterval setting to a value greater than 3600?
How do I change a Smarts IP PollingInterval setting using dmctl?

Cannot create a Smarts IP PollingInterval setting greater than 3600 seconds


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To change the Smarts IP PollingInterval to a value greater than 3600 using dmctl, do the following:

1. Attach to the domain that you would like to change the PollingInterval for using dmctl.
2. Run the following command to generate a list of all the Polling Settings for all the different Polling Groups:

getInstances Connectivity_Polling_Setting

3. Isolate the group that you would like to change the PollingInterval setting as follows:

SET-CFG-Polling Groups/[PollingGroup]/Connectivity_Polling_Setting

4. Use this [PollingGroup] in the following put command (all on one line) to configure a value greater than 3600 for the PollingInterval (4000 in the following example):

put Connectivity_Polling_Setting::"SET-CFG-Polling Groups/[PollingGroup]/Connectivity_Polling_Setting"::PollingInterval 4000

5. Check the new value of the PollingInterval using the following get command (all on one line):

get Connectivity_Polling_Setting::"SET-CFG-Polling Groups/[PollingGroup]/Connectivity_Polling_Setting"::PollingInterval