The Archive Condense utility ends with Return Code = 16
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The Archive Condense utility ends with Return Code = 16


Article ID: 30377


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Dispatch Output Mgmt


You've submitted the DSEXARC(L) Archive Condense job, also known as the Archive Consolidation utility, to merge reports from individual archive tapes onto the same tape. However, the job ends with return code = 16. What went wrong?


When this happens, review the output from the job and look for the following messages:

DCD0072E- No Interface Records - Process Ended.

DCD0064E- Invalid RC / CADSARCD - Process Ended. 

If the above messages were received, then the job ended with RC=16 because NO VOLSERS were actually selected for condense processing based on the selection criteria (#REPORTS, #LINES or INVOL) that was specified for that particular run.

If nothing is selected, the job will receive RC=16. This is normal and to be expected. No additional recovery or follow up should be necessary. You will want to review the selection criteria and make any necessary adjustments so that for your next run, the criteria specified finds some actual archive volsers that meet the volser selection criteria.

Perhaps you're not sure how to interpret the selection criteria that was specified? Then take a look at the following example which will hopefully help you understand Dispatch's interpretation.

Your selection criteria for the job is specified as:       #LINES=1, LOGIC=OR, #REPORTS=20

The above statement resolves as:

Don't select any volser if the volser has MORE THAN one line of data on it or MORE THAN 20 reports on it. 

(All of your archive tapes are going to have more than one line of data on them - so nothing is selected).