Smarts SAM/Smarts IP: Can I rename my current Smarts installation directory and install a new version to the previous (old) directory name?
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Smarts SAM/Smarts IP: Can I rename my current Smarts installation directory and install a new version to the previous (old) directory name?


Article ID: 303768


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VMware Smart Assurance



Can I rename my current Smarts Smarts IP Manager (Smarts IP) or Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) installation directory and install a new version to the previous (old) directory name?
How can I change the Smarts IP or Smarts SAM vpd.script to allow me to rename my current installation directory so I can install a new version to the previous (old) directory name?

Can I change the vpd.script to allow me to rename my current installation directory of Smarts IP or Smarts SAM software and install a new version to the previous (old) directory name?


Receive the following error message when trying to upgrade Smarts IP or Smarts SAM installation:

The installer found a matching suite, but you cannot update the matching suite with this or lower version.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The above installer error is generated because the vpd.script is accounting for both the currently installed version and new version as being installed in the same directory. Consider the following example scenario:
  1. Currently you have Smarts SAM installed in the following directory


  2. You want to upgrade to SAM (8.1.3 with Patch 2), but would rather rename your current directory and install the software from fresh.
  3. You rename above directory to the following:


  4. You then install Smarts SAM 8.1.3 to the old directory:


  5. When you attempt to apply Smarts SAM 8.1.3 Patch 2 (HF2), it can produce the above installer error because the vpd.script will account for both Smarts SAM 8.1.3 and SAM as being installed in the same directory.


Renaming of a current Smarts software installation directory and installing a newer Smarts software version to the same previously named directory is not recommended as a general principle. However, if required for your environment, this can be done as follows:

  1. Navigate to the following directory on the Smarts installation environment:


  2. Copy the vpd.script file found in the above directory and make a back up of this file in a separate location.
  3. Open the vpd.script file in an appropriate editor, and search for evidence of the old installation.
    • In the example scenario above with Smarts SAM installed, the vpd.script file would contain evidence of the Smarts SAM installation in /opt/InCharge812. This is the directory that was renamed /opt/InCharge812-Old and would now have Smarts SAM 8.1.3 installed in this same directory.

  4. Remove the evidence of the old installation from the vpd.script file. Using the same example, the lines would be similar to the following"INSERT INTO" lines. The entire lines should be removed from the vpd.script file (they have been shortened for the following example):

    INSERT INTO INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_OBJECT VALUES(43,'071eac5635fc916637bcb98fcf737541tt','/opt/InCharge812/SAM',1,''
    INSERT INTO INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_OBJECT VALUES(44,'bcd198edb579ff954de43a437ca1eb31','/opt/InCharge812/SAM/_rpuninst',1,''
    INSERT INTO INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_OBJECT VALUES(45,'0c87d6fd4b213e0d91160af9ae0038ac','/opt/InCharge812/SAM/smarts',1,''

  5. Save and close the vpd.script file. It should be saved in the directory where it is by default as noted above.
  6. Apply the Smarts SAM 8.1.3 HF2 to the /opt/InCharge812 directory.