When trying to start a Smarts process, I get a 'LIC-EGENERIC-The desired vendor daemon is down' error
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When trying to start a Smarts process, I get a 'LIC-EGENERIC-The desired vendor daemon is down' error


Article ID: 303760


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When trying to start a Smarts process, I get a 'LIC-EGENERIC-The desired vendor daemon is down' error
When trying to start a Smarts process, you receive an error message similar to the following:

06-Oct-2008 9:59:20 AM+560ms Eastern Daylight Time] t@9340 dmboot
RSRV-E-ELICENSE-Unable to obtain license
 LIC-ECHECKOUT-While attempting to check out license for AP_ICSRV
 LIC-EGENERIC-The desired vendor daemon is down.

Running an lmutil command shows that the license manager is up and running but it doesn't return any feature status.

$ ./lmutil lmstat -c [email protected] -a
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Wed 10/8/2008 10:44

License server status: [email protected]
    License file(s) on foo.smarts.com: :/opt/InCharge7/SAM/smarts/local/conf/smarts.lic:

foo.smarts.com: license server UP v10.8

Vendor daemon status (on smart1):


Observed the following message in the flexlm.log file:

10:37:44 (lmgrd) License file(s): /opt/InCharge7/SAM/smarts/local/conf/smarts.lic
10:37:44 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 1744
10:37:44 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
10:37:44 (lmgrd) Started sm_lmgrd92 (internet tcp_port 33972 pid 12913)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) FLEXnet Licensing version v10.8.5.0 build 31891 sun4_u8
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Server started on foo.smarts.com:        DMC_CORR
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) DMC_CORR  AP_ICSRV        AP_ICSRV
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) AP_AI_ACM DMC_DECS        DMC_DECS
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) AP_MPLSVPN        AP_MPLS_VRF_I   AP_NPM_DEVICES
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) AP_NPM_OSPF       AP_NPM_EIGRP    AP_NPM_ISIS
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) AP_NPM_BGP        AP_OLIP         AP_SPM
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) AP_PERFORMANCE    AP_RPM          AP_AUTO_ACTION
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) FT_SUMMARY        AP_ASMMAP       DK_DYN_MODEL_COMPILE
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file:
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92)   /opt/InCharge7/SAM/smarts/local/conf/smarts.lic
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) SERVER line says 84e71190, hostid is 84e71a06
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Invalid hostid on SERVER line

10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature ACC_SNMP(7796A277CC76)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_ARS(15F0AE09E936)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_CONSOLE(D404FDE83442)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_EMAIL(A135B64418DD)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_LOGFILE(8A4C52ACC7CC)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_OVNVMAP(E60EDACA49AF)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_OVNVNOT(B865939141BB)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_OVNVTOEV(683B73243CD1)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_PEM(5824A2FD67A2)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_SCRIPT(0C7DF2E1C105)
10:37:44 (sm_lmgrd92) Disabling 1 license from feature AD_SDI(8D512E87892C)


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The hostid for the host running your license server has changed from the hostid that is listed on your permanent license file.


You will need to run the following command on the new host that your license manager is running on and it will give you the new hostid.
  • On UNIX - BASEDIR/smarts/bin/lmutil lmhostid
  • On Windows - BASEDIR\smarts\bin\system\lmutil.exe lmhostid

The output will look like the following:

$ ./lmutil lmhostid
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "832cb672"

Once you have the new hostid, you will need to contact your account manager to inquire about how you could obtain a new permanent license file because a permanent license file will only work on the host and hostid for which it was created.