Smarts ESM: How is the "VirtualMachine::PoweredOff" event raised and cleared in ESM for VMware virtual machines?
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Smarts ESM: How is the "VirtualMachine::PoweredOff" event raised and cleared in ESM for VMware virtual machines?


Article ID: 303759


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How is the VirtualMachine::PoweredOff event raised and cleared in Ionix Server Manager (ESM) for VMware virtual machines?

The VirtualMachine::PoweredOff event in EISM is translated from the VMware vCenter VmPoweredOffEvent event. The VMware vCenter VmPoweredOnEvent clears the ESM VirtualMachine::PoweredOff event. The VmPoweredOffEvent and VmPoweredOnEvent vCenter events are picked up and translated by ESM regardless of the polling interval.