Smarts SAM: Which JRE architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) is required to install EMC Data Access API (EDAA) on Linux?; How do I set SM_JAVA and SM_JAVAHOME variables?
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Smarts SAM: Which JRE architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) is required to install EMC Data Access API (EDAA) on Linux?; How do I set SM_JAVA and SM_JAVAHOME variables?


Article ID: 303746


Updated On:




VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


This article addresses the following:
  • Which architecture of the JRE should be installed (32-bit or 64-bit) when installing EMC Data Access API (EDAA) on a Linux host serving a Smarts SAM environment
  • How to set the SM_JAVA and SM_JAVAHOME environment variables in the runcmd file

To load the EDAA on Linux, you need to use the 32-bit JRE. Do not install the server JRE that came out as Java 7u21. The environment variable should be set as follows:
  • SM_JAVAHOME=/usr/java/latest
  • SM_JAVA=/usr/java/latest/bin:/usr/java/latest/lib/i386/client