To ensure that the BGP interface status matches the unmanaged interface setting in the Smarts IP Availability Manager, do the following:
- Using sm_edit, add the following line in both the dxa-am.conf (<smarts>/conf/bgp/dxa-am.conf) and theĀ dxa-am-v4v6.conf (<smarts>/conf/bgp/dxa-am-v4v6.conf) configuration files, under the "Interface" class.
oper getManagedState setManagedState
- Comment/disable the "peek IsManaged TRUE" line by placing the hash character (#) in the beginning of the line as follows:
#peek IsManaged TRUE
- Save and close the configuration file.
The following shows an example Interface class with both of the above changes made:
proxy Interface
in TopologyCollection ConsistsOf BGP-Interface
#in UnitaryComputerSystem ComposedOf
#peek IsManaged TRUE
attr DisplayName
attr Description
attr DeviceID
attr InterfaceNumber
attr InterfaceKey
attr MaxTransferUnit
attr SystemName DeviceName
attr Mode
rel Underlying
rel Peer
oper getManagedState setManagedState