Debug statements are seen in the Ionix IP/Smarts IP server log after the debug level was set to FALSE in the discovery-snmp-trap.asl file (/IP/smarts/local/rules/discovery/discovery-snmp-trap.asl) as follows:
default debug = FALSE
The following debug statements are received in Ionix IP/Smarts IP APM logs:
discovery/discovery-snmp-trap.asl: [DEFAULT]: 1309427974|169.x.x.x|.|2|0|.|1 22|.|GigabitEthernet3/26|.|6|.|Lost Carrier|.|1|.|A9 39 DF D0 |
discovery/discovery-snmp-trap.asl: [DEFAULT]: 1309427974|137.x.x.x|.|3|0|.|7|.1.3 .|1|.|89 22 7A 66 |
discovery/discovery-snmp-trap.asl: [DEFAULT]: 1309427975|137.x.x.x|.|2|0|.|7|.1.3 .|1|.|89 22 7A 66 |
To resolve this issue, you can do either of the following: