Ionix NPM/Smarts NPM: How can I prevent NPM from issuing "Disabled" root-cause probelms for protocol sessions that are administratively disabled?
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Ionix NPM/Smarts NPM: How can I prevent NPM from issuing "Disabled" root-cause probelms for protocol sessions that are administratively disabled?


Article ID: 303685


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VMware Smart Assurance



How can I prevent Ionix NPM/Smarts NPM from issuing "Disabled" root-cause problems for protocol sessions that are administratively disabled?

Ionix NPM/Smarts NPM is issuing "Disabled" root-cause problems for protocol sessions that are administratively disabled?
Ionix NPM/Smarts NPM is generating alerts for BGPSessions that are administratively disabled


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To prevent Network Protocol Manager from issuing "Disabled" root-cause problems, set the AdminDownFlag parameter to TRUE in the relevant protocol manager configuration file.

The AdminDownFlag controls whether Network Protocol Manager generates alarms on the protocol sessions of protocol endpoints that are administratively down (manually disabled)

  • A value of TRUE indicates that alarms are not generated on the protocol sessions.
  • A value of FALSE indicates that alarms are generated on the protocol sessions

Protocol Manager Configuration file locations:

BGP: <BASEDIR>NPM/smarts/conf/bgp/bgp.conf
OSPF: <BASEDIR>NPM/smarts/conf/ospf/ospf.conf
ISIS: <BASEDIR>NPM/smarts/conf/isis/isis.conf
EIGRP: <BASEDIR>NPM/smarts/conf/eigrp/eigrp.conf

Example: Setting the AdminDownFlag in the bgp.conf configuration file:

bin/sm_edit conf/bgp/bgp.conf

MSI_AdapterManager::BGP-Adapter-Manager {
    AdminDownFlag = TRUE

Overriding the AdminDownFlag parameter value in the configuration file
You can issue the following dmctl command from the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory to override the AdminDownFlag parameter value in the <protocol>.conf file. However, this change will not be permanent:

dmctl -s INCHARGE-BGP put MSI_AdapterManager::BGP-Adapter-Manager::AdminDownFlag TRUE
dmctl -s INCHARGE-OSPF put MSI_AdapterManager::OSPF-Adapter-Manager::AdminDownFlag TRUE
dmctl -s INCHARGE-ISIS put MSI_AdapterManager::ISIS-Adapter-Manager::AdminDownFlag TRUE
dmctl -s INCHARGE-EIGRP put MSI_AdapterManager::EIGRP-Adapter-Manager::AdminDownFlag TRUE