Generating Smarts mibwalks on devices
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Generating Smarts mibwalks on devices


Article ID: 303683


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Smarts mibwalk utility to walk a device.


Run the following command to perform a mibwalk using the Smarts mibwalk utility located in the IP bin directory <basedir>/IP/smarts/bin:  
<basedir>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_snmpwalk <host_or_IP_of_device> 

The above command assumes that the device's read community string is "public".  If the read community string is something other than "public", you can use the following command:
<basedir>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_snmpwalk -c <community_string> <host_or_IP_of_device>

Command to be used for SNMP V3 devices:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_snmpwalk --snmp=<version> --user=<userName>  --auth=<auth protocol>  --priv=<priv protocol>  --authPass=<password>  --privPass=<password>  <hostname>  

SNMP v3 devices with no bulk:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_snmpwalk --snmp=<version> --auth=<auth protocol> --priv=<priv protocol> --authPass=<password> --privPass=<password> --user=<userName> hostname --noBulk  


Three output files will be generated with an extension of .mimic, .snap and .walk.