Smarts NCM: How do I adjust console timeout period for NCM 9.1 thru NCM 9.3?
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Smarts NCM: How do I adjust console timeout period for NCM 9.1 thru NCM 9.3?


Article ID: 303581


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VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The Smarts NCM console will timeout after a certain period of user inactivity, at which point the user session will end and the user will need to login to the Smarts NCM console again. The following section of this solution article explains how to configure the timing for the Smarts NCM console timeout.

You can also configure the timing of the "warning" message that appears to alert users that the Smarts NCM console session is about to timeout.
Refer for instructions on setting the Smarts NCM console timeout "warning" message.

Configuring the Smarts NCM console timeout period
To configure the Smarts NCM console timeout period, do the following:

       1. Go to JMX console URL: 
https://Appserver_IP:8880/jmx-console or http://<Appserver_IP:8881/jmx-console
Default username/password is jmx-user/sysadmin
       2. In the JMX console, find the "VC" section at the bottom of the window.
       3. Click "service=VoyenceControlConfig".
       4. Click [Invoke] button on operationlistAll
       5. In the page of configuration parameters, find the following:
       6. Return to the previous page (scroll to setConfigItem for the setting, which has 3 boxes: p1, p2, p3). Set the configuration parameters as follows:
p1 = config.server
p2 =
p3 = timeout value
(in seconds, [43200 = 12 hours]
CAUTION! Do NOT set timeout value to 0. Setting to 0 will make login impossible.
       7. Click [Invoke] button to apply the new value.
       8. The timeout change can be verified as in the preceding steps, but this is generally unnecessary unless an error message is received.
       9. Click saveAll().

Additional Information

The steps in this article apply for NCM 9.1 thru NCM 9.3, it does not apply for NCM 9.4 thru NCM 9.5.
For NCM versions 9.4 thru 9.5, refer below KB: - Smarts NCM : How do I adjust the console timeout period for NCM 9.4 thru NCM 9.5?