Smarts NCM: How to identify and kill the Process ID (PID) of process preventing vcmaster service restart
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Smarts NCM: How to identify and kill the Process ID (PID) of process preventing vcmaster service restart


Article ID: 303561


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VMware Smart Assurance



How to identify and kill the Process ID (PID) of the process that is preventing the Smarts NCM vcmaster service restart

Smarts NCM is not coming up after vcmaster restart because process is running

Smarts NCM vcmaster service restart fails because process is running

Message similar to the following is seen when trying to restart the Smarts NCM vcmaster service:

[root@rdl11262app14 conf]# service voyence restart
Stopping Device Server Service: [ OK ]
Starting Device Server Service: Device Service is already started, stop the other process first before starting the services: Address already in use


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


Restarting the Smarts NCM vcmaster can sometimes fail to restart the other Smarts NCM services because a few processes are running in backend. When this happens, a message similar to the following will be seen:

[root@rdl11262app14 conf]# service voyence restart
Stopping Device Server Service: [ OK ]
Starting Device Server Service: Device Service is already started, stop the other process first before starting the services: Address already in use


To identify and stop the processes that are preventing the Smarts NCM vcmaster service, do the following:
  1. Check the processes that are running using the following commands:
netstat -anp | grep commmgrd | grep LISTEN

netstat -anp | grep autodisc | grep LISTEN

netstat -anp | grep syssync | grep LISTEN
  1. Note the PID of any running processes, and kill those processes using the following command:
kill -9 <PID>
  1. Restart the vcmaster service.

Additional Information

The following three processes should not be running and their associated ports should not be used by any other processes:
ps -elf | grep commmgrd
ps -elf | grep autodisc
ps -elf | grep syssync

If any other processes are using these ports, find the associated processes using the following command:
netstat -anp | grep <PORT>
Kill any process has been found to be using the specified ports. Once all processes have been stopped, you can start the service using the service voyence start command.