VoyenceControl: Cisco 881 router device shows sysObjectID: as the device model
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VoyenceControl: Cisco 881 router device shows sysObjectID: as the device model


Article ID: 303550


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Cisco 881 router device shows sysObjectID: as the device model


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


IMPORTANT! The following procedure is different from the procedure to add new devices in VoyenceControl 3.6 systems. For VoyenceControl 4.x systems, if you do not follow these instructions and use the mkmodelsxml.pl script for adding devices, you will overwrite previous custom changes. See EMC knowledgebase article, Link Error: , for an example of how to add a device in a VoyenceControl 3.6 system.

The following changes will need to be made on each device server and/or combination server.

  1. If it does not already exist, make a cisco directory in the custompackage directory as follows (see Note statement):

    mkdir $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/cisco/
  2. If it does not already exist, make a Cisco directory in the custompackage/pkgxml directory as follows:

    mkdir $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/pkgxml/Cisco/
  3. If the Cisco.models file does not already exist in the the custompackage/cisco directory, copy the Cisco.models file from the package/cisco directory to this directory as follows:

    cp $VOYENCE_HOME/package/cisco/Cisco.models  $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/cisco/Cisco.models
  4. Add the following line to the bottom of the list in $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/cisco/Cisco.models:

    881;                      1.837;   1
  5. Save and close the Cisco.models file.

  6. Run the $VOYENCE_HOME/tools/mkmodelsxml.pl perl script as follows:

    $VOYENCE_HOME/tools/mkmodelsxml.pl < $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/cisco/Cisco.models > $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/pkgxml/Cisco/CiscoModels.xml

  7. Within VoyenceControl run a Pull All job against this device to update the model

Additional Information

The variable $VOYENCE_HOME refers to the installed location of VoyenceControl, typically /opt/voyence