Oct 04 15:13:03 163160/cutthru(2715)#4: DASL: termLogin: WARNING - Telnet No Login or Device Prompt detected
Oct 04 15:13:03 163160/cutthru(2715)#4: DASL: termLogin: Sending new line
Oct 04 15:13:03 163160/cutthru(2715)#4: DASL: termLogin: Waiting on device prompts
Oct 04 15:13:03 163160/cutthru(2715)#1: State match:[1007][[^%].*([Ii]ncorrect"[Ii]nvalid"[Bb]ad.*assord"[Ww]rong[^l]"Permission denied"Backup authentication"Authentication failed)] ROSECUTION~~~~~~~username:~~~~[
<Expr><![CDATA[ ?Username ?:"[Ii][Dd]:]]></Expr>
The pattern "?Username ?:"[Ii][Dd]:" is not able to match "username:".
If you encounter this issue, you must create a custompackage entry for the CatOS prompts file and modify it as follows: