Smarts NCM: During config "pull" operation on Huawei devices, Ionix NCM changes the screen-length in the running Huawei device configuration
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Smarts NCM: During config "pull" operation on Huawei devices, Ionix NCM changes the screen-length in the running Huawei device configuration


Article ID: 303530


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VMware Smart Assurance



During config pull operation on Huawei devices, Ionix Network Configuration Manager (Ionix NCM) changes the screen-length in the running Huawei device configuration


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The Ionix NCM/Voyence Huawei driver makes changes to a device's saved configuration file during the config pull operation. A "screen-length 0" command is sent to the device before pulling the configuration, and it rolls back this setting back to "screen-length 25" after the pull config operation finishes. This can be seen in the commmgr.log file as in the following example: 

 Jan 09 14:36:07 9724/pull(3496555)#1: State match:[11006][^\[\S+(-ui-\S+)\]\s*$] screen-length 25~~[[HMS13-VYT21-VAR-ui-vty1]]


To modify the Ionix NCM config pull operation and prevent the Huawei device's saved configuration file from being changed, do the following:

  1. Open the huawei/ file in an appropriate editor.
  2. Find the enablePageBreak() function in the file and the following line:

    send (session, "screen-length " + screenLenVal+stdEOL);

  3. Change the above send line to the following:

    send (session, "screen-length " + screenLenVal+ " temporary"+stdEOL);

  4. Restart the voyence service with the following command:

    service voyence restart
  5. Run the Ionix NCM config pull operation and confirm that it functions as desired.