Smarts NCM: Cannot access NCM Smarts Integration adapter webpage
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Smarts NCM: Cannot access NCM Smarts Integration adapter webpage


Article ID: 303528


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Cannot access Network Configuration Manager (NCM) Smarts Integration adapter webpage

The following conditions, events or system behaviors may be observed with this issue:
  • NCM Smarts adapter webpage is not accessible at the following URL:
https://[NCM Host]:11843/NCMSmartsAdapter-
  • Smarts NCM Integration Adapter Service (Vc_Smarts) is running.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


This issue can occur if the EMC Smarts Manager Integration Module Client is missing from the Smarts IP/SAM side of the deployment.


To address this issue, do the following:
  1. Go to the Smarts NCM Downloads page on the EMC Online Support site:
  1. Download a copy of the Smarts NCM installation software that corresponds to the operating system environment in which the Smarts IP/SAM deployment is installed (Linux, Solaris, or Windows), and also matches the version number for the Smarts NCM deployment that is currently running.
If your environment has Smarts NCM 9.2 is installed on a Windows 2008 R2 Host, but Smarts IP/SAM is installed on a Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.0 Host, you would need to download the Smarts NCM 9.2 ISO file for Linux, and then deploy the appropriate files for the Smarts Integration Adapter on the Smarts IP/SAM host.
  1. Follow the instructions Smarts NCM installation guide to install the Smarts client side files that belong on the Smarts IP/SAM deployment. For Smarts NCM 9.2, this document is available in the EMC Smarts Network Configuration Manager Version 9.2 Documentation Portfolio. The NCM_92_Installation_Guide.pdf document in the Smarts NCM 9.2 portfolio presents these instructions on page 247. You can use the following link to download the NCM Documentation Portfolio for Smarts NCM 9.2:
  1. Once the client-side module has been installed, restart the NCM Services by executing the following batch file:
<base dir>\smarts-ncm\bin\ncmrestart.bat
  1. After the NCM services have successfully completed restarting, confirm that the NCM Smarts adapter configuration web page is now available at the following URL:
https://[NCM Host]:11843/NCMSmartsAdapter-