VoyenceControl: How do I capture sections of config with preconditions when there are no obvious boundaries between sections?
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VoyenceControl: How do I capture sections of config with preconditions when there are no obvious boundaries between sections?


Article ID: 303519


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How do I capture sections of config with preconditions when there are no obvious boundaries between sections?

Building regex tests against Nortel VLANs
Building regex tests against Cisco access lists


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


An example of a configuration section with no "obvious" boundaries can be seen in Nortel VLAN or Cisco CatOS access list configurations.   There are no decisive or obvious boundaries to build your begin-with and end-with patterns against to properly split the groupings.  For example, Nortel VLAN configurations will begin after a comment line, will have groupings of one or more lines prefixed with the same VLAN number, will only roll the VLAN number between groupings, and then end with another comment line:

vlan 1 option one
vlan 10 option one
vlan 10 option two
vlan 10 option three
vlan 20 option one
vlan 20 option two

In comparison, Cisco IOS interfaces are simple to split because they always start and end with "interface" and "!" respectively.  These boundaries are obvious:

interface ethernet 1/10
 desc my interface
interface ethernet 2/10
 desc my interface

In order to separate and process each vlan grouping from the vlan example, you can use the following syntax in your precondition:

  • Begin-with: ^vlan (\d+)
  • End-with: ^((?!vlan \1 )"#)

This makes use of a capture group, a negative lookahead and a back reference .  The VLAN number is captured in the begin-with precondition via "(\d+)".  The end-with precondition uses a negative lookahead "(?!)" to match anything that is not "vlan \1".   The back reference "\1" recalls the characters matched by the first capture group. By using the back reference inside the negative lookahead, the end-with pattern will only stop grouping at a VLAN line that is not the same VLAN number matched from the begin-with pattern, or a trailing comment line.  It has the affect of splitting the example configuration into three pieces:

vlan 1 option one

vlan 10 option one
vlan 10 option two
vlan 10 option three

vlan 20 option one
vlan 20 option two

From here you can begin crafting check patterns and remedies to process against the VLAN groupings, but there are a few other things that allow this to work that should be pointed out:

  • The beginning-of-line anchor "^" is used to make the pattern only match from the beginning of the line.  This practice is done to overcome situations where the pattern you want to match also appears in an unrelated section of the config further down.
  • In the negative lookahead "(?!vlan \1 )" note that there is a space after the back reference "\1". Without this, there is the potential pitfall that the VLAN number from the capture group would match a subset of a following VLAN number that is in fact different.  The example exhibits this scenario; without the space added the precondition would group VLAN 10 with VLAN 1 because both begin with "vlan 1".
  • The ""#" piece of the pattern means to alternatively match a comment "#".  It is isolated from the negative lookahead to allow the lookahead to only concern itself with not matching the same VLAN number.  If the alternation was inside the lookahead, the precondition would group the entire VLAN section together because it could continue matching lines that did not begin with "#".

Additional Information

Regex or RegEx stands for Regular Expression.
More information on Regex syntax is available in the VoyenceControl Online User's Guide under the topic "Using RegEx".  Please see Solution ID 11362  for details on how to access and search the VoyenceControl Online User's Guide.