VoyenceControl: How do I remove the Juniper ERX binary configuration unit from further jobs within VoyenceControl?
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VoyenceControl: How do I remove the Juniper ERX binary configuration unit from further jobs within VoyenceControl?


Article ID: 303481


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VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


How do I remove the Juniper ERX binary configuration unit from further jobs within VoyenceControl?

The changes below must be taken on all VoyenceControl servers (application and device). 


  1. Copy $VOYENCE_HOME\package\pkgxml\JuniperERX\JuniperERX.pkg to $VOYENCE_HOME\custompackage\pkgxml\JuniperERX, creating the directories pkgxml and JuniperERX as necesssary.

  2. Open $VOYENCE_HOME\custompackage\pkgxml\JuniperERX\JuniperERX.pkg for editing
  3. Around line 352 there is a ConfigurationUnit line for the binary config:
    <ConfigurationUnit type="ConfigFile" revisionable="true" cuid="binary"...
  4. To comment out this ConfigurationUnit, add comment lines like so:

    <ConfigurationUnit type="ConfigFile" revisionable="true" cuid="binary" display-name="binary" snmp_supported="false" required-for-completeness="true">
                <File activate-on-reload="true" category-ref="JuniperERXBinaryConfig" name="binary" primary="true" recurse="false" rollback="true" default="true"/>
                    <PullMechanism default="true">8</PullMechanism>
                    <DestRef configlet-supported="false" name="binary-config" rollback="true" default="true"/>
  5. After saving your changes, restart the following services

    Application Server:
    Restart NCM_Controldaemon, NCM_CommMgr, NCM_AutoDisc
    Device Server(s):
    Restart NCM_CommMgr, NCM_AutoDisc

Linux and Solaris:

  1. Copy $VOYENCE_HOME/package/pkgxml/JuniperERX/JuniperERX.pkg to $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/pkgxml/JuniperERX, creating the directories pkgxml and JuniperERX as necesssary
  2. Open $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/pkgxml/JuniperERX/JuniperERX.pkg for editing
  3. Around line 352 there is a ConfigurationUnit line for the binary config:
    <ConfigurationUnit type="ConfigFile" revisionable="true" cuid="binary"...
  4. To comment out this ConfigurationUnit, add comment lines like so:

    <ConfigurationUnit type="ConfigFile" revisionable="true" cuid="binary" display-name="binary" snmp_supported="false" required-for-completeness="true">
                <File activate-on-reload="true" category-ref="JuniperERXBinaryConfig" name="binary" primary="true" recurse="false" rollback="true" default="true"/>
                    <PullMechanism default="true">8</PullMechanism>
                    <DestRef configlet-supported="false" name="binary-config" rollback="true" default="true"/>
  5. After saving your changes, restart the following services

    Application Server:
    /etc/init.d/sysadmin stop
    /etc/init.d/voyence stop
    /etc/init.d/controldaemon restart
    /etc/init.d/voyence start
    /etc/init.d/sysadmin start
    Device Server(s):
    /etc/init.d/sysadmin stop
    /etc/init.d/voyence restart
    /etc/init.d/sysadmin start

Additional Information

$VOYENCE_HOME refers to the directory where VoyenceControl has been installed, typically /opt/Voyence in Linux and Solaris and C:\Program Files\VoyenceControl in Windows.

Existing binary configuration units saved within devices' history will not be removed from VoyenceControl.