Smarts NCM: Network Diagram view is very hard to read for large number of devices in a network; Is there another view available?
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Smarts NCM: Network Diagram view is very hard to read for large number of devices in a network; Is there another view available?


Article ID: 303478


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Is there another view besides Diagram view that makes it easier to view large networks Smarts Network Configuration Manager (Smarts NCM)?
Network device Diagram view in NCM is hard to read, is there another way to view large networks?

How do I change views in NCM from diagram mode to grid mode?

How do I change views in NCM from grid mode to diagram mode?

Large number of devices in a network with Smarts NCM and Diagram view is very hard to read


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


There are two views available within the Smarts NCM application to view your networks, diagram view and grid view.:

  • Diagram mode displays the devices, networks, and other aspects of your network using graphics to represent each item. This network view can be hard to read for larger networks.
  • Grid mode displays the network in a grid using one row for each device and columns to display the information you want to see. This is usually the better view for larger networks. The columns are customizable by right clicking any column and moving the columns between Available Items and Selected Items. Selected items are the columns you will see displayed in the grid view.
Changing network view modes
There are two ways to get into either mode from the other:

To get into Grid mode, from diagram mode:

     1. If the view toolbar is visible you can click the button that represents grid view, hovering over the buttons will show what they are for.

     2. Using the keyboard is another way to switch views.

          a. Make sure that the view you want is active by clicking anywhere in the view

          b. Press (Ctrl+T)

     3. You are now in grid mode

To get into Diagram mode from Grid mode:

     1. If the view toolbar is visible you can click the button that represents diagram view, hovering over the buttons will show what they are for.      2. Using the keyboard is another way to switch views.           a. Make sure that the view you want is active by clicking anywhere in the view           b. Press (Ctrl+D)      3. You are now in diagram mode