Cannot run commands when you log into the ESX host using an SSH client
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Cannot run commands when you log into the ESX host using an SSH client


Article ID: 302725


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • You cannot run commands when you log into the ESX host using an SSH client
  • When you run a command, you may see one of the following errors:
    • command was not found
    • -bash: <command>: command not found


This issue may occur if:
  1. You type the command incorrectly. Ensure that you type the correct command.
  2. You logged in with a user account and used su to elevate your privileges to root. If this is the case, ensure that you add a hyphen to the su command. For example:

    root@ESXServer root]# su -

    The hyphen at the end of the su command tells the shell to also assume the environment of root (including PATH).