# esxcli network vswitch standard policy failover set -l policy -v vSwitchXFor example, to set the NIC teaming policy of a vSwitch to IP hash:
# esxcli network vswitch standard policy failover set -l iphash -v vSwitch0Note: Available Policy Options:
- explicit = Use explicit failover order
- portid = Route based upon port id (This is the Default setting)
- mac = Source Based Upon MAC Hash
- iphash = Source based up IP hash (This is only to be used in a etherchannel\Portchannel)
- In ESXi/ESX4.1:
- vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy --nicteaming-policy policy vSwitch
- In ESXi/ESX 4.0:
- vimsh -n -e "hostsvc/net/vswitch_info vSwitch0" | grep policy