After upgrading to vCenter Server 5.0 Update 1, vCenter Server attempts to upgrade the vpxa agent and all hosts are marked as disconnected after a restart
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After upgrading to vCenter Server 5.0 Update 1, vCenter Server attempts to upgrade the vpxa agent and all hosts are marked as disconnected after a restart


Article ID: 302377


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After upgrading to vCenter Server 5.0 Update 1, you experience these symptoms:

  • vCenter Server tries to upgrade the vpxa agent and all hosts are marked as disconnected.
  • In vCenter Server, you see the Upgrade vCenter Agents on cluster hosts task in progress, but the task never completes.
  • This issue may occur if the upgrade of vpxa agents was set to manual in a previous upgrade of vCenter Server.
  • You may see this report on the Host's Summary tab:

    Disconnected from host Reason: Agent is out of date and needs a manual upgrade

  • In the vpxd.log file, you see entries similar to:
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.447Z [03512 info 'Default' opID=SWI-b1839753] [VpxdHostUpgrader] Preinstalled bundle found: not installing
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.463Z [03764 info 'Default' opID=SWI-758aecea] [VpxdHostUpgrader] Preinstalled bundle found: not installing
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.541Z [03740 info 'Default' opID=task-1159161-e85e8e4e] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-1159161 -- domain-c10910 -- ClusterUpgrade.UpgradeAgent --
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.666Z [03740 info 'DAS' opID=task-1159161-e85e8e4e] [VpxdDasUpgradeLRO] Waiting for hosts to finish upgrading
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.666Z [03740 info 'DAS' opID=task-1159161-e85e8e4e] [VpxdDasUpgradeLRO] Number of hosts upgrading: 4
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03696 info 'Default' opID=task-1159163-2bda221f] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-1159163 -- domain-c7 -- ClusterUpgrade.UpgradeAgent --
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03736 info 'Default' opID=task-1159162-b0d08563] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-1159162 -- domain-c347 -- ClusterUpgrade.UpgradeAgent --
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03736 info 'DAS' opID=task-1159162-b0d08563] [VpxdDasUpgradeLRO] Waiting for hosts to finish upgrading
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03736 info 'DAS' opID=task-1159162-b0d08563] [VpxdDasUpgradeLRO] Number of hosts upgrading: 2
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03720 info 'Default' opID=task-1159164-72891c06] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-1159164 -- domain-c71 -- ClusterUpgrade.UpgradeAgent --
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03696 info 'DAS' opID=task-1159163-2bda221f] [VpxdDasUpgradeLRO] Waiting for hosts to finish upgrading
vpxd-14370.log:YYYY-MM-DDT08:43:19.682Z [03696 info 'DAS' opID=task-1159163-2bda221f]


This issue occurs if the autoUpgradeAgents option in vCenter Server advanced settings is set to false and vCenter Server incorrectly tries to upgrade the vpxa agent a second time on the ESX/ESXi hosts


This issue is resolved in vCenter 5.0 Update 2 and vCenter 5.1 Update 1, available at VMware Downloads.

To work around this issue, change the autoUpgradeAgents option to true.
To change the autoUpgradeAgents option to true:
  1. Click Administration > vCenter Server Setting > Advanced Settings.
  2. Look for the AgentUpgrade.autoUpgradeAgents option and change this setting from false to true.
  3. Restart the VMware VirtualCenter Server service.
  4. Manually reconnect all ESX hosts.
The Upgrade vCenter Agents on cluster hosts task now completes.

Additional Information

vCenter Server 5.0 Update 1 にアップグレードした後、再起動後に vCenter Server が vpxa エージェントをアップグレードしようとし、すべてのホストが切断としてマークされる