Viewing the list of services registered with vCenter Single Sign-On reports an incorrect version for vCenter Server 5.5 and vSphere Web Client 5.5
Article ID: 302364
Updated On:
VMware vCenter Server
When viewing the list of services registered with VMware vCenter Single Sign-On, the version of vCenter Server 5.5 and the vSphere Web Client 5.5 are incorrectly reported as version 5.1
You see that an incorrect version number is reported for vCenter Server 5.5 and vSphere Web Client 5.5:
Service 5 ----------- serviceId=test_site:b85b4ff3-a877-4ec3-8a78-5031161c00c9 serviceName=vCenterService type=urn:vc endpoints={[url=https://FQDN:443/sdk,protocol=vmomi]} version=5.1 description=vCenter Server ownerId=vCenterServer_2013.10.21_110630@System-Domain productId= viSite=test_site
Service 6 ----------- serviceId=test_site:1b13ddef-044e-40e6-a74c-4e067b9a4605 serviceName=VMware vSphere Web Client type=urn:com.vmware.vsphere.client endpoints={[url=https://FQDN:9443/vsphere-client,protocol=vmomi]} version=5.1 description=VMware vSphere Web Client Service ownerId=WebClient_2013.10.21_105934 productId= viSite=test_site
Note: To obtain a list of services that are currently registered to SSO: