Host profile compliance check fails with the error: IPv4 routes did not match
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Host profile compliance check fails with the error: IPv4 routes did not match


Article ID: 302338


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  • If multiple VMkernel Ports are in the same subnet host profile, compliance check fails with the error:

    IPv4 routes did not match

  • After successfully applying a host profile, the host shows that the profile is Not Compliant.
  • Host profile is reported as Non Compliant even though it is Compliant.
  • You see the error:

    IPv4 routes did not match


This issue occurs when two or more VMkernel port groups use the same subnet.


This issue is resolved in ESXi 5.1 Update 1, available at VMware Downloads. For more information about this version, see the ESXi 5.1 Update 1 Release Notes.

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For translated versions of this article, see:

• 日本語: ホスト プロファイル適用後にエラー: IPv4 routes did not match (2047600)
ホスト プロファイル コンプライアンス チェックが失敗し、次のエラーが表示される:IPv4 ルートが一致しませんでした
主机配置文件合规性检查失败并显示以下错误:IPv4 路由不匹配
DHCP 設定の ESXi ホストからホストプロファイルを作成するとコンプライアンスチェックに失敗する