Logging into the vSphere Web Client as a user that is a member of an unreachable domain fails with the error: Client is not authenticated to VMware Inventory Service
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Logging into the vSphere Web Client as a user that is a member of an unreachable domain fails with the error: Client is not authenticated to VMware Inventory Service


Article ID: 302184


Updated On:




  • Cannot log in to the vSphere Web Client
  • Logging in to the vSphere Web Client fails
  • You see one of these messages:
    • Client is not authenticated with the Inventory Service
    • Client is not authenticated to VMware Inventory Service

  • In vmware-sts-idmd.log (located at: C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\logs\vmware-sso), you see entries similar to:
YYYY-MM-DD <time> WARN [ActiveDirectoryProvider] obtainDcInfo for domain [TEST] failed Failed to get domain controller information for <Domain>(dwError - 1355 - ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)</time>
YYYY-MM-DD <time></time> INFO [IdentityManager] Authentication succeeded for user [User] in tenant [vsphere.local] in [15313] milliseconds
YYYY-MM-DD <time></time> INFO [IdentityManager] Failed to find principal [[email protected]] as FSP user in tenant [vsphere.local]
  • In the vpxd.log file (located at: C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs), you see entries similar to:
YYYY-MM-DDT<time></time> [10140 info '[SSO]' opID=23f67d10] [UserDirectorySso] GetUserInfo(domain.com\user, false)
[10140 info '[SSO][SsoAdminFacadeImpl]' opID=23f67d10] [Lookup]
YYYY-MM-DDT<time></time> [10140 info '[SSO]' opID=23f67d10] [UserDirectorySso] GetUserInfo(domain.com\user
, false) res: TEST\testuser
YYYY-MM-DDT<time></time> [10140 info 'Default' opID=23f67d10] [Auth]: User

  • In the ds.log file, you see entries similar to:
[YYYY-MM-DD <time></time> pool-11-thread-1 ERROR com.vmware.vim.dataservices.ssoauthentication.impl.DomainNameNormalizerImpl] SSO Domain does not exist: DOMAIN
[YYYY-MM-DD <time></time> pool-11-thread-1 ERROR com.vmware.vim.vcauthenticate.servlets.AuthenticationHelper] Invalid user
com.vmware.vim.dataservices.ssoauthentication.exception.InvalidUserException: Domain does not exist: DOMAIN


This issue occurs if the user account that is used to log in to the vSphere Web Client is a member of a domain that cannot be resolved.


This issue has been resolved in vCenter Server 5.5 Update 1, available at VMware Downloads.
For more information, see the vCenter Server 5.5 Update 1 Release Notes.
To work around this issue, temporarily remove the user from the group that resides on the unreachable domain.

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To be alerted when this document is updated, click the Subscribe to Article link in the Actions box 到達不能なドメインのメンバーであるユーザで vSphere Web Client にログインすると、次のエラーで失敗する:Client is not authenticated to VMware Inventory Service