The REORG utility abends with this message:
+IDMS UT000013 Internal Error Encountered. Program IDMSDBXD code 64 GWA 0B388010
Release: All supported releases.
When a REORG utility is executed, there is one main control job that initiates the process. Part of the syntax specifies how many concurrent jobs should be submitted in order to process the reorganization request. The jobs that are submitted internally to process these "slices" of the database are created from a JCL model that is stored in a RORGJCL file. The documentation specifies several conditions that should be satisfied when setting up the RORGJCL file. One of the conditions specified is:
- The JCL should include a step that executes a REORG command through the Batch Command Facility. No parameters should be specified on the REORG statement.
The clause in this documentation that is relevant to the 64 reason code is the last one: "No Parameters should be specified on the REORG statement". If the REORG control statement in the RORGJCL file includes other parameters, errors can result from these internally-generated jobs that use the RORGJCL file as a model. Specifically, if the control command in the RORGJCL file contains a STOP AFTER CLAUSE, the reason code of 64 may be issued.
To resolve this error, remove any parameters from the REORG statement in the RORGJCL file.