Enable Async Patch for VxRail fails in precheck stage
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Enable Async Patch for VxRail fails in precheck stage


Article ID: 301586


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


This KB will help in bypassing the issue for the online environment where the SKU type is not given in the command , so that AP tool will continue with the patch enablement process

  • The enable Patch for VxRail fails in precheck if the SKU type is not given in the enable patch command for online/offline instances
  • This will fail with the error that the given VxRail bundle is not present in the downloaded directory , even if the bundle is present


2023-03-02 12:13:30.304 [main] ERROR [com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchEnabler]
The required bundle(s) [VXRAIL7-0-410-27831807R5P0C_VxRail-7-0-410-Composite-Upgrade-Slim-Package-for-7-0-x-zip] are not present in the provided directory /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/apToolBundles to enable patch workflow.
2023-03-02 12:13:30.304 [main] INFO [com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.telemetry.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchToolTelemetryAdapter]
Telemetry data collection is not enabled
2023-03-02 12:13:30.304 [main] ERROR [com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchToolMain]
Error while initiating required functionality: ENABLE_ASYNC_PATCH



VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x


The absence of SKU type in the AP tool enable patch command will cause the AP tool to consider the given VxRail bundle as other bundle type(NSX-T/VC or ESX) , which causes the tool to fail since it takes the code path for other bundles


The issue will be fixed in the future Async Patch tool release . 

  • Provide the SKU as VCF_ON_VXRAIL . Sample usage is given below
./vcf-async-patch-tool -e --patch product:version --du customer_connect_email --pdu dell_user_name dell_emc_depot_email --sddcSSOUser SSOuser --sddcSSHUser vcf --it ONLINE --sku VCF_ON_VXRAIL
  • Replace product:version with the product and version of a patch retrieved by running 

./vcf-async-patch-tool --listAsyncPatch --du customer_connect_email,

for example VX_MANAGER:7.0.410-27831807.

Refer Step4 in this doc to fetch Product Version : https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Foundation/services/ap-tool/GUID-CB93F3D1-A5E0-45DB-8153-117311096C36.html 

  • Replace customer_connect_email with your VMware Customer Connect email address.
  • Replace dell_emc_depot_email with your Dell EMC depot email address. (VxRail only)
  • Replace SSOuser with the SSO user account, for example, [email protected]