Update to ESXi 7.0 Update 3m fails due to incompatible VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-core_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 and/or Mellanox-nmlx4-
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Update to ESXi 7.0 Update 3m fails due to incompatible VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-core_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 and/or Mellanox-nmlx4-


Article ID: 301500


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Attempting to stage or remediate patches for ESXi 7.0 Update 3m fails with the following error message:

VMware vSphere Lifecycle Manager had an unknown error. Check the events and log files for details.


The host returns esxupdate error codes: -1. Check the Lifecycle Manager log files and esxupdate log files for more details.


  • The esxupdate Agent log (/var/run/log/esxupdate.log or esxupdate.0) contains the following error stack:

    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR: An esxupdate error exception was caught:
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR:   File "/usr/sbin/esxupdate", line 222, in main
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR:     cmd.Run()
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR:   File "/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esx5update/Cmdline.py", line 153, in Run
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR:   File "/tmp/esx-update-923891/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/Transaction.py", line 852, in InstallVibsFromSources
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR:   File "/tmp/esx-update-923891/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/Transaction.py", line 1098, in _installVibs
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR:   File "/tmp/esx-update-923891/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/Transaction.py", line 1257, in _validateAndInstallProfile
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR: esximage.Errors.DependencyError: VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-core_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 requires esx-version << 7.0.1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR: VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-en_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 requires esx-version << 7.0.1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.
    2023-05-15T08:27:25Z esxupdate: 923891: esxupdate: ERROR: VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-rdma_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 requires esx-version << 7.0.1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.

  • The update manager log (/var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/vmware-vum-server-xx.log) contains the following error:

    --> <esxupdate-response>
    --> <version>1.50</version>
    --> <error errorClass="DependencyError">
    -->  <errorCode>14</errorCode>
    -->  <errorDesc>There was an error resolving dependencies.</errorDesc>
    -->  <problemset>
    -->   <problem>VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-core_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 requires esx-version &lt;&lt; 7.0.1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.</problem>
    -->   <problem>VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-rdma_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 requires esx-version &lt;&lt; 7.0.1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.</problem>
    -->   <problem>VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4-en_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807 requires esx-version &lt;&lt; 7.0.1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.</problem>
    -->  </problemset>
    --> </error>
    --> </esxupdate-response>


  • VMware vCenter Server 7.0.3
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.3


Resolved on 5th June 2023 by recalling the problematic Mellanox Driver "Mellanox-nmlx4_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807".

In vCenter Servers deployed prior to the recall event, the driver may be seen as part of Non-Critical baseline in VUM, in "Not Applicable" status. This is expected, as VUM DB has a stale entry. The driver won't be attempted to be applied on the host.


Use a copy of the predefined Non-Critical Host Patches (Predefined) baseline and exclude the problematic versions of the "Mellanox Native OFED ConnectX-3 Drivers" VIB from it. To do this, apply the following steps:

  1. In vSphere Client go in Menu > Lifecycle Manager Baselines

  2. Select the baseline "Non-Critical Host Patches (Predefined)" and click on "DUPLICATE"

  3. Provide a name for the baseline

  4. Select the new baseline and click on EDIT

  5. On the second page of the Edit Baseline wizard, click on (xxx) Matched

  6. Click on the small funnel symbol next to ID and filter the list for mellanox-nmlx4_3.19.70

  7. This should only leave 2 patches listed:

Name: Mellanox Native OFED ConnectX-3 Drivers
ID: Mellanox-nmlx4_3.19.70.1-1OEM.670.0.0.8169922

NameMellanox Native OFED ConnectX-3 Drivers
ID: Mellanox-nmlx4_3.19.70.1001-1OEM.700.1.0.15843807

  1. Deselect the checkboxes in the first column for both patches

  2. Select (x) Excluded to verify that the patches are being excluded from the baseline

  3. Finish the baseline configuration (NEXT > NEXT > FINISH)

  4. Detach the baseline  Non-Critical Host Patches (Predefined) from the host (or from the parent object it was attached to) and attach the baseline you just created instead

Additional Information

This issue is being checked by Diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation.

The check is as follows:

  • Product: ESXi
  • Log File: esxupdate.log
  • Log Expression Check "ERROR esximage.Errors.DependencyError VIB MEL_bootbank_nmlx4 requirement cannot satisfied ImageProfile"