在 ESXi 5.x 主机上配置 HA 失败,并出现错误“无法安装 vCenter 代理服务。未知安装程序错误”
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在 ESXi 5.x 主机上配置 HA 失败,并出现错误“无法安装 vCenter 代理服务。未知安装程序错误”


Article ID: 301424


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VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


免责声明:本文为 Configuring HA on an ESXi 5.x host fails with the error: Cannot install the vCenter agent service.Unknown installer error (2032101) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。

  • 无法在 ESXi 5.x 主机上配置 High Availability (HA)。
  • 在 ESXi 5.x 主机上配置 HA 失败。
  • 您会看到以下错误:

    Cannot install the vCenter agent service.Unknown installer error

  • vpxd 日志文件(位于 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs\)包含类似下文的条目:

    注意:在 Windows 2008 R2 中,vpxd.log 文件位于 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Program Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs\

    verbose 'Default'] [FdmClientAdapter] Logging in to host
    error 'HttpConnectionPool'] [ConnectComplete] Connect error A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
    error 'Default' opID=3544ed68] [HttpUtil::ExecuteRequest] Error in sending request - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
    error 'Default' opID=3544ed68] [ServerAccess] Exception while invoking remote login: vim.fault.HttpFault
    error 'DAS'] [FdmManager::ScanForMaster] Failed to get cluster info from (cluster=Cluster): class
    error 'Default'] [FdmClientAdapter] Unexpected error logging into host Invalid response code: 400 Bad Request
    error 'DAS'] [FdmManager::ScanForMaster] Failed to get cluster info from (cluster=Cluster): class

  • fdm-installer.log syslog.log 文件(位于 /var/log)中包含类似下文的条目:

    • fdm-installer: Installing the VIB
      fdm-installer: Result of esxcli software vib install -v=/tmp/vmware-root/ha-agentmgr/vpx-upgrade-installer/vmware-fdm.vib: [DependencyError]
      fdm-installer: VIB LSI_bootbank_vmware-esx-sas2flash_1.0-03's acceptance level is unsigned, which is not compliant with the ImageProfile acceptance level partner

    • [NoMatchError]
      BIOS vendor HP is required but host BIOS vendor is
      BIOS vendor Hewlett-Packard Company is required but host BIOS vendor is
      BIOS vendor Hewlett-Packard is required but host BIOS vendor is
      BIOS vendor hp is required but host BIOS vendor is
      id = (Updated) HP-ESXi-5.1.0-standard-iso
      Please refer to the log file for more details.vmware

    • [12912283] 2016-01-13 10:19:54: status = 0
      fdm-installer: [12912283] 2016-01-13 10:19:54: Installing the VIB
      fdm-installer: [12912283] 2016-01-13 10:19:57: Result of esxcli software vib install -v=/tmp/vmware-root/ha-agentmgr/vpx-upgrade-installer/vmware-fdm.vib: [InstallationError]
      fdm-installer: Error in running rm /tardisks/vmware-f.v00:
      fdm-installer: Return code: 1
      fdm-installer: Output: rm: cannot remove '/tardisks/vmware-f.v00': Device or resource busy -----> Error
      fdm-installer: It is not safe to continue. Please reboot the host immediately to discard the unfinished update.
      fdm-installer: Please refer to the log file for more details.

  • 运行 esxcli software vib remove -n vmware-fdm 命令失败,并出现以下错误:

    VIB VMware_bootbank_ilfu_1.23-4.56 的接受程度为 Community,与 ImageProfile 接受程度 Partner 不符
    要更改主机接受程度,请使用“esxcli software acceptance set”命令。
    VIB VMware_bootbank_ilfu_1.23-4.56's acceptance level is community, which is not compliant with the ImageProfile acceptance level partner
    To change the host acceptance level, use the 'esxcli software acceptance set' command.
    Please refer to the log file for more details


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x


出现此问题是因为 vSphere 安装捆绑包 (VIB) 和主机存在接受程度问题。



  • 移除导致此问题的 VIB。

    要移除导致此问题的 VIB,请执行以下操作:
    1. 使用以下命令找到该 VIB:

      esxcli software vib list

    2. 使用以下命令移除该 VIB:

      esxcli software vib remove -n VIBname


      esxcli software vib remove -n vmware-fdm

    3. 再次在主机上配置 HA:

      1. 右键单击受影响的主机。
      2. 单击重新配置 vSphere HA

  • 将主机的接受程度改为 VIB 的接受程度。

    要将主机的接受程度改为 VIB 的接受程度,请运行以下命令:

    esxcli software acceptance set --level VIB_acceptance_level


    esxcli software acceptance set --level CommunitySupported

  • BIOS 被报告无效的情况。
将 BIOS 更新为最新的支持版本可解决此问题。

注意:如果上面的信息无法解决此问题,请参见 Cannot configure HA after disabling the Host Welcome login page on an ESXi host (2009546),获得更多故障排除信息。

Additional Information

Configuring HA on an ESXi 5.x host fails with the error: Cannot install the vCenter agent service. Unknown installer error