启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务失败,并出现“1053: 服务未及时响应启动或控制请求”错误
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启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务失败,并出现“1053: 服务未及时响应启动或控制请求”错误


Article ID: 301353


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VMware vCenter Server


免责声明:本文为 Starting the VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails with the error: 1053: The services did not respond to the Start or control request in a timely fashion (2069296) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。

  • 无法启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务
  • 启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务失败
  • 您会看到错误:

    错误 1053: 服务未及时响应启动或控制请求 (error 1053: The services did not respond to the Start or control request in a timely fashion)。

  • 在 vSphere Client 日志中,您会看到类似下文的条目:

    2014-01-08T13:52:43.039-06:00 [03780 info 'DAS'] [FdmManager::NeedExcludeFromHostList] Host host-19 should be excluded as it is disconnected
    2014-01-08T13:52:53.052-06:00 [04304 info 'DAS'] [FdmManager::NeedExcludeFromHostList] Host host-14 should be excluded as it is disconnected
    2014-01-08T13:52:53.052-06:00 [04304 info 'DAS'] [FdmManager::NeedExcludeFromHostList] Host host-19 should be excluded as it is disconnected
    2014-01-08T13:52:53.536-06:00 [04304 warning 'ProxySvc Req00247'] Connection to localhost:31000 failed with error class Vmacore::SystemException(No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)

  • vpxd.log 文件中,您会看到以下错误:

    VirtualInfrastructure.Exceptions.RequestTimedOut: The request failed because the remote server 'ilwcvcenter.its.cortz.loc' took too long to respond.(The command has timed out as the remote server is taking too long to respond.)
    System.Net.WebException: The command has timed out as the remote server is taking too long to respond.


VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x


如果 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务无法与桌面交互,将出现此问题。


  1. 单击开始 > 运行,键入 services.msc,然后单击“确定”。此时将打开“服务”窗口。
  2. 右键单击 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务,然后单击属性
  3. 单击登录选项卡。
  4. 选择允许服务与桌面交互选项。
  5. 单击确定
  6. 右键单击 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务,然后单击启动

Additional Information

Starting the VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails with the error: 1053: The services did not respond to the Start or control request in a timely fashion