"Unable to set the network parameters \ n" error when deploying VCSA 6.5
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"Unable to set the network parameters \ n" error when deploying VCSA 6.5


Article ID: 301330


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Deploying VCSA 6.5 failing at stage 1 ( ~ 96% ) with this error:
    [ERROR] Error running /sbin/ifup command, return code: 1\nUnable to set the network parameters\n
  • In the vminst.log file, you see entries similar to:

    [ { args: [Object],
    id: 'install.setnet.set.network.vami',
    localized: 'Error setting network. Details : 13/06/2017 15:09:32 [ERROR] Error running /sbin/ifup command, return code: 1\nUnable to set the network parameters\n',
    translatable: 'Error setting network. Details : %(0)s' },
    { id: 'install.setnet.set.network',
    localized: 'Failed to set network',
    translatable: 'Failed to set network' } ],
    componentKey: 'setnet',
    problemId: null }


  • In the /var/log/firstboot/Cloudvm.log file, you see entries similar to:

    2017-04-06T21:34:44.088Z - error: rpmInstall error[41]: { resolution: null,
    [ { args: [Object],
    id: 'install.setnet.set.network.vami',
    localized: 'Error setting network. Details : 06/04/2017 21:34:34 [ERROR] Error running /sbin/ifup command, return code: 1\nUnable to set the network parameters\n',
    translatable: 'Error setting network. Details : %(0)s' },
    { id: 'install.setnet.set.network',
    localized: 'Failed to set network',
    translatable: 'Failed to set network' } ],
    componentKey: 'setnet',
    problemId: null }
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x


This issue occurs due to an IP conflict.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Log in to the VCSA ( failed installation ) through the console.
  2. Log in to shell on the console.
  3. To get MAC address for the device that is retaining/using the IP address, run this command:

    arping -D <IP address>
  4. Ensure that there is no IP conflict or use a different IP Address to prevent this error.
  5. Remove the Appliance that was created during the failed deployment or migration.
  6. Repeat the deployment of the vCenter Server Appliance or the Migration of the Windows based vCenter Server to an Appliance.

Additional Information

简体中文:部署 VCSA 6.5 时显示“无法设置网络参数\n (Unable to set the network parameters\n)”错误