Upgrading vCenter Server Appliance from 6.0 to 6.5 results in an error: "Unable to detect appliance type"
Article ID: 301314
Updated On:
VMware vCenter Server
Upgrading a vCenter Server Appliance from 6.0 to 6.5, after clicking 'Next' at the Deploy Appliance stage, an error is produced stating:
vCenter 5.5 SSO Appliance?
Unable to detect appliance type. If this is a vCenter 5.5 SSO appliance, to proceed with the upgrade click Yes. Otherwise, click No to go back to the previous screen.
As this is not a 5.5 Single Sign-On appliance, No is selected and you are returned to the Deploy Appliance screen.
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.0.x
This issue occurs due to root password's expiry date on the Platform Services Controller.
To resolve this issue, change the root password of the PSC, and correct any issues seen with the password expiry (such as if it is in the past).
Open the VAMI of the Platform Services Controller in a browser - https://psc-fqdn.corp.com:5480
Login using the root account.
Navigate to the Administration tab.
Change the root password.
Choose not to have an expiry date for the appliance, or correct the date to be a time not in the past (e.g: Jan 1 1970 -> Jan 1 2020)
Run the upgrade once more.
The upgrade process should now complete without issue.