Client Automation - sdserver Process on a Scalability Server Will Not Stay Running
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Client Automation - sdserver Process on a Scalability Server Will Not Stay Running


Article ID: 30128


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery



Jobs to agents downstream of a Scalability Server will not execute. A CAF STATUS reveals sdserver is stopped:

Running caf start sdserver only keeps it running for a few minutes and then it stops again.

This can be caused by corruption in the update.lst file located at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\SD\asm\library\activate\scripts

The contents of update.lst should look like:



CodePage = 3



Date = 2015-01-12

Time = 10:32:54


If the file is not in this format, replace it with a copy from a working scalability server


Also, corruption in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\SERVERDB directory structure as well in other directories software delivery uses can contribute to the problem.




Client Automation - All Versions


First, unseal or delete any pending jobs in DSM explorer for agents connected to the affected scalability server.

Then do the following steps on the remote scalability server: 


Cam change disabled & cam stop

Check windows task manager and make sure cam.exe is not there. If it is, kill it.

Replace the above mentioned update.lst file with one from a working Scalability Server

Rename the Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\SERVERDB directory

Delete any files/folders in  %SDROOT%\ASM\D

Delete any files/folders in  %SDROOT%\ASM\Library\Activate except for the folders lgzip and scripts and the file

Delete any files/folders in the Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\DTS\DTA\Staging

Delete any files/folders in the Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\DTS\DTA\status except for a zero length file named index

Cam change auto & cam start –c –l



If sdserver still doesn't stay running, please open a support case.