Guest Introspection 状态为“警告: 服务尚未就绪 (Warning: Service is not ready)”
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Guest Introspection 状态为“警告: 服务尚未就绪 (Warning: Service is not ready)”


Article ID: 301267


Updated On:


VMware vDefend Firewall


免责声明:本文为 Guest Introspection Status is "Warning: Service is not ready” (2151671) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。

  • Guest Introspection 状态为警告: 服务尚未就绪 (Warning: Service is not ready)。
  • 重新引导 Guest Introspection 通用服务虚拟机不会解决此问题。
  • 从清单中移除 Guest Introspection 通用服务虚拟机,然后单击“解决”按钮以重新创建,此操作不会解决此问题。
  • 在 ESXi 主机的 /var/log/syslog.log 文件中,您会看到类似以下内容的条目:

    2017-08-03T08:47:44Z EPSecMux[358242]: [INFO] (EPSEC) [0x57762] Could not identify the USVM for the MuxEventHandler, health status cannot be sent.
    [ ... ]
    2017-08-03T08:48:01Z EPSecMux[358242]: [INFO] (EPSEC) [0x57762] [948959849] Connected to SVM 4219A3EA-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-CCE7388FFA69 : /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52d0ac101a2f0c5d-919ebeaxxxxxx/546d6359-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0025b5a3004f/Guest Introspection (7).vmx
    2017-08-03T08:48:01Z EPSecMux[358242]: [INFO] (EPSEC) [0x57762] Received new configuration
    2017-08-03T08:48:01Z EPSecMux[358242]: [ERROR] (EPSEC) [0x57762] Failed to find element: vmxPath.
  • 在 NSX Manager 的 vsm.log 文件中,您会看到类似以下内容的条目:

    2017-08-04 06:42:50.822 GMT ERROR pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:1093 - vm vm-268 has null vmxPath for host host-24 - will retry

    注意:vm-id 对应于孤立虚拟机。

  • 在 NSX Manager 日志中,您会看到类似以下内容的条目:

    2017-08-04 06:42:50.822 GMT ERROR pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:1093 - vm vm-268 has null vmxPath for host host-24 - will retry
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.822 GMT ERROR pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:1103 - vm has null uuid for host host-24 - will retry
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.844 GMT ERROR pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:1093 - vm vm-230 has null vmxPath for host host-18 - will retry
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.844 GMT ERROR pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:1103 - vm has null uuid for host host-18 - will retry
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.854 GMT INFO pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:1165 - Configuration update rpc messages sent to hosts: [host-25, host-22, host-23, host-24, host-18] - scheduling ret ry to check their status
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.854 GMT INFO pool-16-thread-1 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:826 - scheduleConfigurationUpdateCheck: scheduling update check in 60 seconds.
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.855 GMT INFO messagingTaskExecutor-7 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:455 - Configuration successfully applied to host host-22.
    2017-08-04 06:42:50.864 GMT ERROR messagingTaskExecutor-4 EndpointConfigurationManagerImpl:451 - Configuration of host host-18 failed: failed to send configuration to mux: Status code: 65538, Message: "Error - Mux Parsing config"



VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.2.x


ESXi 主机上存在孤立虚拟机时,会出现此问题。可以在 vSphere Web Client 中查看孤立虚拟机,它们显示为 Powered Off(关闭电源),状态为 Unknown(未知)。


要解决此问题,请从 vCenter Server 清单中移除孤立虚拟机。
注意:Guest Introspection 状态恢复为 Green(绿色)大约需要 1-2 分钟。

Additional Information