Instance-specific type object action failure when no editable fields in object's list view
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Instance-specific type object action failure when no editable fields in object's list view


Article ID: 30094


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Instance-specific type object action failure when no editable fields in object's list view. This defect occurs with any action type with scope instance-specific.

Steps to Recreate:

1.    Create a custom object
2.    Go to Actions Tab. Create an action type External Link. Chose Scope=instance-specific. Enter URL=
3.    Go to Views Tab and add Action in Action Menu for the object List
4.    Create an instance of the object
5.    Configure ALL fields in object's list view to NOT 'allow grid edit'
6.    Select an instance of the object in list (tick the selector checkbox) and select the object action

Actual Result:
You get a system error.
v13.1: HTTP 500 Internal server error
v14.1: Error occurred, please contact system administrator

Expected Result:
The instance-specific type object action should work fine.

This defect occurs with any action type, not only External Link.


This has been documented as CLRT-77427 and our sustaining team closed it as they are not planning to make any changes to this area of the product. The bug falls into the category of bugs that will not be fixed.

Workaround: Set a field in object's list view with 'allow grid editing'.