Private projects become inaccessible after upgrading Harbor for TKGI to v2.4.x with LDAP feature enabled
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Private projects become inaccessible after upgrading Harbor for TKGI to v2.4.x with LDAP feature enabled


Article ID: 298714


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


After upgrading Harbor for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration Edition(TKGI) to v2.4.x with the LDAP feature enabled, private projects on Harbor that were previously be accessed by LDAP users turn inaccessible.

LDAP users can still login via the CLI or Harbor web UI, but can not pull, push, view, and manage images in those private projects. 


Product Version: Other


This is a known issue with OSS Harbor and Harbor for TKG v2.4.x.

To work around the issue, follow these steps:

1. Login to Harbor web UI with admin user.

2. Navigate to Configuration - Authentication > LDAP Group Filter.

3. For the AD server, set `objectClass=group`. For openLDAP, set `objectClass=groupOfNames`.

4. Save the change. 

If the issue is not resolved with the above steps, open a support request with VMware and attach Harbor logs. Harbor Log can be download from Ops Manager UI.