When configuring Tanzu Mission Control (TMC) settings, if the cluster group entered in the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated (TKGI) tile does not exist, attaching the cluster using the BOSH errand fails with the error:
Resource not found - clustergroup(cluster-group-name).
The error can be confirmed by using bosh task <task> --debug for the failed errand task that attaches the TKGI cluster to TMC.
There are repeated error messages in the debug log similar to the following:
Description in TMC: VMware Enterprise PKS\ntmc-integration 2021/05/20 01:46:39 Attaching cluster ''tkgi-test-cluster-1'' to TMC tmc-integration 2021/05/20 01:46:39 tmc-integration 2021/05/20 01:46:39 Fetching token successful tmc-integration 2021/05/20 01:46:40 request POST:/v1alpha1/clusters, response 404 Not Found:{\"error\":\"Resource not found - clustergroup(test-clusters) org id(########-####-####-8d91-939d9f13cbe9)\",\"code\":5,\"message\":\"Resource not found - clustergroup(cluster-group-name) org id(########-####-####-8d91-939d9f13cbe9)\"} tmc-integration 2021/05/20 01:46:40 Attaching Cluster Failed, Retry number 1 tmc-integration 2021/05/20 01:46:40 Sleeping for 2 seconds
To resolve this issue, please create a cluster group with the same name that was configured in the TKGI tile and rerun:
tkgi upgrade-cluster <cluster-name>
Note: This use case will automatically be handled by a future TKGI release.