TKGI CLI commands show error message "od-broker is processing a request for the same instance"
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TKGI CLI commands show error message "od-broker is processing a request for the same instance"


Article ID: 298665


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


Running certain TKGI CLI commands return the following error:
Error: Status: 500; ErrorMessage: <nil>; Description: od-broker is processing a request for the same instance: <VM instance UUID>, please try again later; ResponseError: <nil>

Example commands that could report the above error:
  • pks get-kubeconfig CLUSTERNAME
  • pks get-credentials CLUSTERNAME
The pks-api.log shows similar errors:
ERROR 15625 --- [nio-9021-exec-2] i.pivotal.pks.error.ApiExceptionHandler  : Error: Status: 500; ErrorMessage: <nil>; Description: od-broker is processing a request for the same instance: fea7b3f8-b5b9-4ee4-843f-0c0c29689664, please try again later; ResponseError: <nil>


Product Version: 1.9


These errors can occur if there are a large number of requests coming in, and a request is not able to be processed within 10 seconds to the On Demand Broker (od-broker).

Starting with the following releases, this issue has been addressed by TKGI Engineering:
  • TKGI 1.9.5
  • TKGI 1.10.1
  • TKGI 1.11
To address this issue, please upgrade to these releases or higher.

Note: If the issue is persistent instead of intermittent, the workaround is to restart the broker service on the pivotal-container-service VM. 
bosh ssh -d <pivotal-container-service-ID> pivotal-container-service -c "sudo monit restart broker"