Error: Message from remote host "CAHAUUP10 DIST ID does not match distribution mask" with CA OM Web Viewer
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Error: Message from remote host "CAHAUUP10 DIST ID does not match distribution mask" with CA OM Web Viewer


Article ID: 29846


Updated On:


Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


A Web Viewer user receives a message "CAHAUUP10 DIST ID does not match distribution mask", but is prevented from specifying a different DISTID in the DIST ID drop down.

The DISTID and mask are set on the CA View and/or CA Deliver side if you are using CA Deliver.

They cannot be set in Web Viewer.  Please contact your Administrator for CA View/Deliver to enable this.


Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX