Where can I obtain the record layouts for the CA-ACF2 BKLIDS, BKRULES and BKINFO backup files?
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Where can I obtain the record layouts for the CA-ACF2 BKLIDS, BKRULES and BKINFO backup files?


Article ID: 29758


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Where can I obtain the record layouts for the CA-ACF2 BKLIDS, BKRULES and BKINFO backup files?


Component: ACF2MS


The layout of the CA-ACF2 BKLIDS file is the same as the CA-ACF2 VSAM file. This layout is defined via the LIDREC DSECT that can be found in the CAX1MAC0 library.

There is a mapping macro called ACFDLIST which can be found in the CA-ACF2 CAX1MAC0 library that will provide the layout of the logonid record. This macro is in the CA-ACF2 macro dataset. Layouts/DSECTs for the BKRULES and BKINFO are not available because they are considered proprietary.