How to enable Date and Time Stamp with the time zone in CA Spectrum AlarmNotifier.
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How to enable Date and Time Stamp with the time zone in CA Spectrum AlarmNotifier.


Article ID: 29756


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


What is the correct way to add Date and Time Stamp to use with AlarmNotifier?


Any Spectrum supported version


Use the $RAW_ALARM_TIME variable in the out of the box SetScript, ClearScript and UpdateScript files which takes the Unix Time stamp (seconds since Jan 1, 1970 ).
To use the $RAW_ALARM_TIME variable:

1. Edit the script

2. Look for the following:
# If you wish to see the UNIX alarm time printed out you need to set
# USE_NEW_INTERFACE to true in the configuration file and uncomment
# the following line.
#echo "Raw Alarm Time: " $RAW_ALARM_TIME

3. Remove the "#" character in the above highlighted line.

4. Save the file

Additional Information

Please reference the "Script Parameter Definitions" section of the documentation for more information.