CA Deliver Report Definition Group ID Field
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CA Deliver Report Definition Group ID Field


Article ID: 29753


Updated On:


Deliver View


A new "GRPID ==>" field has been added to the Deliver Report Definition panel, where you can specify a 1- to 8-character GROUPID to customize a report's output for archival:


CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes -------------------------
Command ===>                                                                 
  ID       ---> XXXXXXXX-R01                             Job    ---> RPTJOB01      
  Step   ---> REXXSTP1     Procstep --->            DD     ---> SYSPRINT      
                                                                        Type   --->               
  Desc     ===>                                                               
  Arch ID  ===>                                                               
  ARCH   ===> 4            BANNER ===>              BURST  ===>               
  CC     ===>                 CLASS  ===>               COPIES ===>               
  FCB    ===>                 FORM   ===>               FLASH  ===> (      ,     )
  LATE   ===>                OPTCDJ ===>              UCS    ===>               
  FORMDF ===>             PAGEDF ===>              PRMODE ===>               
  PRSET  ===>               PRTY   ===>                GRPID  ===>               
  CHARS  ===> (      ,      ,      ,      )                    MODIFY ===> (      ,   )  
  COPYG  ===> (     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     )               
The following attributes may be selected by entering the 1-character selection
code on the command input line:                                               
     B - Bundle specifications.         D - Distribution specifications.      
     I - Special instructions.            T - Report identification text.        


Only valid on JES2 systems, the GROUPID parameter is used in a JCL "// OUTPUT" statement to specify that a sysout data set belongs to an output group, where the data sets in that group would be processed together, as the report outputs would share similar characteristics (output class, destination, process mode, and external writer name).

When an archival copy of the report is sent to a View FSS collector (having been defined with RMOPARM ARCHnn=c/dest/form/m/prmode), the GROUPID name identifies the member name in the SARFSS task SARINDEX data set (//SARINDEX DD DSN=...) which contains the archive control statements for the report.


Release: OUTDTI00200-12.1-Deliver-Output Management-Interface for Native TSO