Steps to enable Integrated Security so that JDBC operators can be executed with domain account.
- Locate sqljdbc_auth.dll that corresponds to the hardware where the agent or Orchestrator is running for example: Windows X86, X64,AMD.
- sqljdbc_auth.dll will be available in '\PAMDVD1\thirdparty\mssql\sqljdbc_3.\enu\auth' directory.
- Copy sqljdbc_auth.dll to a folder on the system path of each CA Process Automation agent or Orchestrator that is running in a Windows operating environment.
For Example: '.\CA\PAM\server\c2o\ext-lib'
Add this path for the directory that contains 'sqljdbc_auth.dll' file to your windows PATH variable if it doesn't exist.
To verify the path either run echo %PATH% command or Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Advanced (Advanced System Settings), Environment Variables. The system path displays in the PATH variable.
Restart the agent or Orchestrator service.
To use integrated security, do not specify the user name and password.
Append ;integratedSecurity=true;user=hostname\\username to the Connection URL. For example:
"jdbc:sqlserver://" + "U168934" + ":" + 1433 + ";DatabaseName=" + "PAM"+";integratedSecurity=true;user='U168934\\administrator';"
Note: U168934 is the database hostname and PAM is the database name in the above example url