Library "libcasocket" has not been loaded
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Library "libcasocket" has not been loaded


Article ID: 29740


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


Unable to run command-line utilities like autorep and from Application Server log gets the following error messages entered regarding SSA libraries:

CAUAJM_E_00179 Unable to load the CA Secure Sockets Adapter shared library dynamically. Process terminating.
Library "libcasocket" has not been loaded 



All Unix/Linux versions are applicable


Issue occur if the following causes:

  1. The reported error messages are related to permissions on the following directories:

  2. If LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LIBPATH is not set to the environment or not sourced properly


To overcome the issue, please follow below validations:

  1. Need to set permissions to 755 so that execution is possible for the "other" category as well as the "group" and the owner:
    chmod 755 /opt/CA/SharedComponents/Csam/SockAdapter
    hmod 755 /opt/CA/SharedComponents/Csam/SockAdapter/lib

  2. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LIBPATH to source Shared Component libraries as well and export to the environment.
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  3. Restart SSA and application server to get the issue rectified.

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