Scope of Support for OSS RabbitMQ
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Scope of Support for OSS RabbitMQ


Article ID: 297326


Updated On:


Support Only for OpenSource RabbitMQ




This document is meant to be a practical guide to help understand what is and is not covered by VMware Support for customers using Open Source RabbitMQ that are covered by VMware Support. This document is intended to provide a basic outline and cover some common concrete examples of services that are in and out of the scope of support provided by VMware.  


Guiding Principles

VMware will support artifacts which have been developed and produced by VMware staff.

For artifacts containing Open Source RabbitMQ that were not developed or produced by VMware, support will be limited to the Open Source RabbitMQ binary within the artifact.




  • The Open Source RabbitMQ OCI image distributed through Docker Hub is not produced by VMware.  VMware will support issues related to the Open Source RabbitMQ binary within the container, but does not have the ability to patch and build the OCI image.
  • The Bitnami RabbitMQ OVA, RabbitMQ OCI Image and RabbitMQ Helm chart are Open Source versions of the Tanzu Application Catalog product. Issues related to the RabbitMQ binary are covered by a RabbitMQ support entitlement. Issues related to the Helm Chart, OVA or OCI image provided by Bitnami are covered by a Tanzu Application Catalog Support Entitlement. 


Note that Open Source RabbitMQ is packaged differently in several VMware product families.
Support for all available VMware Open Source RabbitMQ artifacts will require customers to have support agreements that cover the respective products.

What is “OSS RabbitMQ” for the purposes of supportability? 

Some SKU entitlements mention “OSS RabbitMQ” (Open Source RabbitMQ). This is now defined to mean any of the below, from an official source location.



Supported RabbitMQ Distributions

Important: The following packages are produced by VMware. VMware provides support for these RabbitMQ commercial binaries, Open Source binaries, and RabbitMQ clients listed below.

  • RabbitMQ broker commercial binaries
    • Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA, OCI, Generic Unix Tarball
  • RabbitMQ Open Source binaries
    • Linux, BSD UNIX: Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/Centos/Fedora, Generic BInary, Solaris
    • Windows: Chocolatey, Windows installer, binary build
    • MacOS:Homebrew, generic binary
  • RabbitMQ clients, specifically: 
  • Java (AMQP & Streams)
  • Go (AMQP & Streams)
  • .NET (AMQP & Streams)
  • Erlang (AMQP & Streams)
  • Pika (AMQP)

Supported Kubernetes Distributions 

Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes is a VMware commercial offering. It is designed to work on any standard Kubernetes offering. However, VMware cannot certify all Kubernetes offerings. VMware provides support for the following offerings. For any offering not listed below VMware reserves the right to refuse support for that offering.

  • TKG (TKGm, TKGs) 
  • TKGi 
  • OpenShift 
  • GKE 
  • AKS 
  • EKS 



Operating Systems and Platforms

Supported Operating Systems and Platforms

  • Linux
  • Windows versions supported by Microsoft, e.g. 10
  • Windows Server versions supported by Microsoft, e.g. Windows Server 2019
  • macOS
  • Solaris
  • FreeBSD
  • Photon

Note: A full list of rpm supported Distributions can be found here

Unsupported Operating Systems and Platforms

  • z/OS and most mainframes 
  • Very memory-constrained systems (< 1GB of RAM)  

Supportable versions of dependencies

RabbitMQ is dependent on 

  • Erlang/OTP :
  • OpenSSL 

These should be at least the versions listed in the table on this page, or later. 



Tasks Covered by VMware Support

The following items are examples of tasks which are covered by VMware Support:



Installation / Upgrade of RabbitMQ


Usage & Configuration


Performance degradation of RabbitMQ


Bug reporting


Bug Fix


Debugging RabbitMQ failures (Crash dumps, logs, etc)


RabbitMQ PerfTest tool usage



Tasks Not Covered by VMware Support

The following items are examples of tasks which are not covered by VMware Support:



Debugging custom code/applications


Load/performance/stress testing of RabbitMQ


Operating System and RabbitMQ app settings (for customer workloads)


Third Party or community plugins


RabbitMQ features/releases (alpha, beta, RC, CA, EOGS)


Forked, modified or custom versions of RabbitMQ


Developer tools/ IDE integrations


Best practices for RabbitMQ architecture, design, guidance (contact Platform Architect/Professional Services)


Artifacts or architecture which VMware have not produced or partnered with





[1] - Installation / Initial setup of RabbitMQ should involve a VMware Platform Architect.


[2] - Load/performance or stress testing of RabbitMQ is not in scope for VMware Support. However if RabbitMQ experiences a performance drop/degradation during day 2 operations then VMware Support will investigate. For any Load/Performance/Sizing query’s (Day 1) of RabbitMQ should involve a VMware Platform Architect.


[3] - Bug fixes are prioritized by Vmware Engineering with input from VMware Support and our customers. There is no guarantee of an immediate fix & VMware Support retains the right to close out support tickets if a fix is not immediate.


[4] - Standalone crash dump files or logs with no associated monitoring data will not likely result in identifying a solution to the issue you are experiencing. VMware support has policies and procedures to help one gather the right contextual information to more clearly identify the nature and cause of a given issue.  Key to getting useful information is the presence of monitoring data to go along with any dump file. Refer here for guidance:  &


[5] - Support does not perform any load testing, but the RabbitMQ PerfTest tool and its documented usage are part of RabbitMQ and covered by the support team.


[6] - VMware Support will only review customer application code to the extent necessary to isolate issues potentially related to RabbitMQ".  More extensive assistance is available through a professional services engagement.  


[7] - This would best be served with a professional services engagement, either through VMware or a partner.  It takes time to understand what a customers' workload entails, and this is not support's role.  Support can do generic sanity checks, but does not have an understanding of specific workload requirements.


[8] - VMware Support will provide best effort support for beta/experiment features that are shipped in a generally available product. The goal in this case is to find and report bugs so that the feature works correctly when it is generally available. A fix for any bugs uncovered may not be available until the feature is generally available. Production and Severity 1 support are not available for beta/experimental features.


[9] - Compiling the RabbitMQ code without modification is supported. Forked or modified RabbitMQ versions would not be supported. 


[10] - We cannot support artifacts or architecture which VMware has not produced or partnered with. Example 1: If a customer has produced their own container image based on VMware binary, then VMware can only support the binary itself, i.e. the code VMware has produced. Any issues determined to be caused by the customer container image are not supported.  

Example 2: If a customer is deploying a supported RabbitMQ container image, but is using their own deployment method, then VMware Support can only support the container image. Any issues determined to be caused by the deployment mechanism are not supported. 


Additional Information


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