How to enable detailed mode logging in Strong Authentication?
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How to enable detailed mode logging in Strong Authentication?


Article ID: 29723


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication CA Strong Authentication


How to enable detailed mode or debug mode logging for CA Strong Authentication Server?


Release: CA Strong Authentication(Previously Webfort or AuthMinder) 
Component: AuthMinder(Arcot WebFort)


Login as MASTERADMIN and follow these steps to configure detailed mode logging in AuthMinder:

1. Click the Services and Server Configurations tab in the main menu.
2. Verify that the Strong Authentication tab in the submenu is active.
3. Under the Instance Configurations section, click the Instance Management link to display the Instances page.
4. Click the required instance link in the Instance Name column.
The Instance name: <selected_instance> page appears.
5. Edit the fields in the Logging Configurations section and set as below:
- Log Level as DETAIL
- select Enable Trace Logging
- select Log Query Details
6. Click Save.
7. Refresh the CA AuthMinder Server instance

Additional Information

Enable Detailed Mode or Debug Mode Logging