When using the Dispatch Option 2 TLMS interface, TLMS is not being updated.
As part of the CA Dispatch Archive activity when Tape Management System on screen VSGMU210 is set up with option 2, Online TLMS, sample JCL in cai.CADSJCL(DSEXTLMS) gets submitted to run CA Dynam/TLMS JCL procedure CATINQR to update tape volsers with an appropriate expiration date.
It will happen each time the current tape gets full or the archive task is shut down.
Archive task is either internal and runs as a task within the Dispatch (CADSDISP) address space or external and runs in its own address space (CADSXTAR).
VSGMU210-------------- Sysgen Archive Control Information Screen -------------
Archive Task Options:
Opt Taskid Current Volser/File Current Volser/File Class Dest
==> _ ARCH1 Tape ==> Optical ==> R
==> _ ARCH2 Tape ==> Optical ==> R
==> _ ARCH3 Tape ==> Optical ==> R
S - Select
Retention Options:
Tape Gens ==> DASD Gens ==> 2 Optical Gens ==>
Days ==> 7 Days ==> 15 Days ==> 7
SMS Class Options:
Data ==> Mgmt ==> Storage ==> X
General Archive Processing Options:
Archive Resource Utilization SMF Record (0=None or 129-255) ==> 0
Encrypt (Y/N) ==> N Key Interval (001-365) ==> 0
Bundle Reprint Available Media Sequence (N or T,D,S,O) ==> N , , ,
Tape Management System ==> 2 0=None 2=Online TLMS 3=Batch CA-1
4=Batch TLMS 5=Batch RMM 9=98000
With this option set at 2, the Archive task will submit the JCL found with DD TLMSJCL which usually points to cai.CADSJCL(DSEXTLMS).
Although the CATINQR step completes with RC00, the volume in the CA Dynam/TLMS does not get updated.
As provided in the CADSJCL library DSEXTLMS looks like:
Refer to the CA Dispatch User Guide for the Report Administrator and the CA Dispatch Systems Programmer Guide for the details about working with CA Dynam/TLMS for Online - Option 2.
Refer to the CA Dynam/TLMS User Guide for the complete details about running JCL procedure CATINQR.