You can also adjust how often the DNS check will be performed by looking at the 'Administration->Addresses' page in the NFA Web UI.
In NFA if there is an IP address that is not getting resolved, first check to see if the IP address is in the Admin->Addresses page of NFA.
If it is verify that the name can be resolved from the Console server.
If the IP address is not on the Admin->Address page, run a report in the NFA Web UI that will have that IP address and view the report there, then check the Admin->Addresses page again in NFA to see if the if IP address now shows up.
At that point if the IP address is there, you have the option to manually update the hostname or wait for the next cycle of when the ReporterAnalyzer Manager Service will attempt to check DNS for the Address.
If there is an Address which you are still not seeing in the Admin->Addresses page of NFA, you can manually insert the IP address using the command below on the NFA Console server where x.x.x.x is the IP address you want to insert:
mysql -P3308 -D reporter -t -e "insert into address_definitions values (inet_aton('x.x.x.x'), 1, 'NULL' , 'Y', '3n', unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp());"
You can also import a large number of addresses in bulk from the host data that is stored for Enterprise Overview page by running the query below if you are on 9.3.3 or earlier:
mysql -D reporter -t -e "insert into address_definitions select distinct host, 1, NULL, 'Y', '1w', unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp() from topprothosts where host not in (select address from address_definitions);"
If you are on a later version of NFA please contact CA Support and reference this document.
Once inserted, NFA should attempt to resolve the IP address with DNS shortly after.
The Netqos ReporterAnalyzer Manager Service will attempt to resolve 200 addresses every 5 minutes.